News & Events
Dakota County CDA Receives Awards of Merit
The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) was recognized with two awards from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO). Awards of Merit were received for the CDA’s two newest affordable housing communities: Argonne Hills, a 62-unit senior housing development, and Keystone Crossing, a 36-unit workforce housing development. Both properties are located in […]
Smoke-Free on June 1, 2018
Effective June 1, 2018, all housing units that are owned and managed by the Dakota County CDA will become smoke-free. This includes all units in the: Senior Housing Program Workforce Housing Program Scattered Site Public Housing Program Colleen Loney Manor Lincoln Place
Area Employers To Vie For 2nd Annual “Employers Of Excellence” Awards
Recruiting and retaining employees are two of the hottest topics for many employers in the area. However, despite those challenges which are driven by low unemployment rates, many employers have effective practices in place. To recognize those innovators, the Dakota-Scott Workforce Development Board (WDB) will once again be inviting employers to participate in the “Employers […]
Three Properties Sold to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
The Dakota County CDA sold three properties it acquired through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. In response to the foreclosure crisis, the Dakota County CDA was awarded federal stimulus funds under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to acquire properties to be developed into livable housing to be sold or […]
Redevelopment Grants Awarded to Six Cities
The Dakota County CDA Redevelopment Incentive Grant (RIG) program was created in 2006 to provide a flexible funding resource to Dakota County cities for the redevelopment of blighted and under-utilized areas, and to promote the development of affordable housing. The RIG program supports two grants: redevelopment and planning. Redevelopment Dakota County cities can apply for […]
Construction is Progressing at Argonne Hills
Construction is progressing on schedule at Argonne Hills in Lakeville! Argonne Hills is the newest development to be added to the Senior Housing Program and the fourth in Lakeville. When it is completed, it will have 62 units of senior housing. Argonne Hills is expected to open in the summer of 2017. Here are pictures […]
Keystone Crossing is Fully Occupied
Keystone Crossing in Lakeville is the newest development in the Workforce Housing Program. All of the buildings have been completed and the first residents have moved in to the 36 units at Keystone Crossing. There is work to be completed on the exterior areas this spring and a second layer of asphalt will be laid at the end of the summer. […]
CDA Board of Commissioners Selects Officers
The CDA Board of Commissioners held its annual board meeting in January and selected its officers for 2017. Officers that will serve the Board for the year include: Chair: Commissioner Chris Gerlach Vice Chair: Commissioner Joe Atkins Secretary: Mary Liz Holberg Four Commissioners took the Oath of Office at the annual meeting and were seated […]
CDA Received Clean Audit Report
The CDA is required to have an audit of its basic financial statements conducted each year in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and applicable to financial audits. The CDA’s audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 was performed and reports an unmodified or “clean” opinion. These […]
Funding Approved for Mortgage Credit Certificates
In addition to the First Time Homebuyer Program, the CDA also offers Mortgage Credit Certificates to borrowers, which allows a borrower a credit of up to $2,000 against their Federal tax liability each year that the borrower lives in the home. The Board of Commissioners approved the request to allocate $10 million to provide Mortgage […]